[Capdist-announce] Play Doh Time -- MopCo Underground at Proctors -- July 23 & 30, 2010

The Mop & Bucket Co. Publicity PR at MopCo.org
Thu Jul 22 10:03:53 EDT 2010

The Mop & Bucket Co. (MopCo)
432 State St, Schenectady, NY 12305

July 23 & 30, 2010


SCHENECTADY --- There's an old show biz saying that means good luck; "Break
a leg."  On Play Doh nights, legs sometimes fall off altogether.  It's all
part of the fun, Underground at Proctors, Friday nights at 8 p.m.  It's
live.  It's in brilliant color.  

And it features characters made by....YOU!  This can only mean that PLAY DOH
is back Underground!

On Play Doh nights, audience members can be found crowding around a table in
the back of the room at intermission, carefully crafting little people,
animals, and mythical creatures.  If you listen, you can hear a cross
section of our audience talking intently:  "Hey, can I have some of your
green?"  "His wings keep drooping---I need to make them smaller..."  As
intermission draws to a close, Mopco members survey the collection of
fanciful miniatures, pick some favorites, and proceed to the tiny little
Plah Doh stage, off to the side of the regular stage.  The audience watches
on screen, as the Play Doh characters come to life in the hands of the
improvisor/puppeteers.  It's all over in three or four minutes, and we go on
to the rest of act two.  

Fame is fleeting, for dough folk.  But, as we say, "There's No Business Like
Dough Business..."

432 State St, Schenectady

Fridays at 8 p.m.
Tickets: $14 Adults / $6 sts & srs
		For reservations call Proctors Box Office: 346-6204 or

For more information about MopCo UNDERGROUND at Proctors: 
*	Michael Burns, www.mopco.org <http://www.mopco.org/> ,
michaelburns at mopco.org (518)248-7430

*	Kat Koppett, www.mopco.org <http://www.mopco.org/> ,
katkoppett at mopco.org (518) 847-9882

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