<FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=4>Tonight marks the first performance of the final weekend of Confetti Stage's Triptych, by Edna O'Brien and directed by Valerie Portanova.<br>
Triptych runs tonight, Friday, and Saturday nights at 8:00pm. The final performance is Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm.<br>
Tickets are $15 general admission.<br>
Performances are held at the Albany Masonic Hall, 67 Corning Place, Downtown Albany.<br>
<div align=justify><FONT size=1><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><STRONG><FONT size=1><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt" color=#ffffff><FONT color=#330033>Explore the many faces of love through the hearts and minds of three polarizing women.</FONT> </FONT><FONT color=#999999> </FONT></FONT><FONT color=#330033><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt">A mistress, a wife, and a daughter each expose their passions for the same man and confront the ways that love can simultaneously</FONT><MAP name=FPMap7><AREA shape=CIRCLE target=_blank alt="Buy Your Playbill Ad" coords=54,52,51 href="2008_Playbill_Ad_Sales_Form.doc"></MAP><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt"><IMG height=106 hspace=15 src="http://www.confettistage.com/PLAYBILL_AD_STAR.jpg" width=108 align=right useMap=#FPMap7 vspace=15 border=0 galleryimg="no"></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt"> liberate and entrap.<br>
Visit <A href="http://www.confettistage.com">www.confettistage.com</A> or call the box office at 518-242-8015 for tickets.<br>
See you there!<br>
</FONT></FONT></STRONG></FONT></FONT><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
Neilson R. Jones<br>
President & Managing Artistic Director<br>
Confetti Stage, Inc.<br>
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