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The first weekend of our 4th Annual Short Play Festival is off and running. Tonight was soooo much fun.<br>
This is turning out to be the best Short Play Festival we have produced to date. I hope that you all get the opportunity to come out and catch some of the best local theater around. There were plenty of laughs tonight... good times were had by all.<br>
September 19 and 20<br>
Train of Thought by Katherine Ambrosio<br>
directed by Valerie Portanova<br>
featuring: Megan DiNicola, Lynn Scott, Jeanmarie Rodino, & Tia Crawford<br>
My Fortune and Fame by Daniel Carmody<br>
directed by Peter Keller<br>
featuring: Kevin Escudero, William McDowell, Jennifer Flatebo, & Katherine Buckley<br>
A Terminal Case by John Luther<br>
directed by John Schmiederer<br>
featuring: Eli Baruch, Suman Sunkara, Jean Foss, Dannielle Rose, & Lou Quillio<br>
Live and Unrehearsed by Phil Sheehan<br>
directed by Aaron S. Holbritter<br>
featuring: John J. Quinan, Barry Streifert, Patrick Rooney, Maureen Neff, Roberta Fox, Cornelius Geaney, & Liana D. Robinson Martino<br>
September 25, 26, and 27<br>
Marge and Melvin by Katherine Ambrosio<br>
directed by Tracy Blowers<br>
featuring: Christine Cimmino & Giovanni Grillo<br>
Bella Sera by Serge Patentreger<br>
directed by Anna Groper<br>
featuring: Amanda Brinke, Ken Ryer, Yvonne Masse, Mark Salocks, & Kevin Escudero<br>
Married Life by Fred Sahner<br>
directed by Jeffrey P. Hocking<br>
featuring: Erika Hebert & Michael A. Lake<br>
Heresy by Marty Egan<br>
directed by Daniel Kelly<br>
featuring: Stephen Henel, Ron Pucherelli, Jeremy Noble, Jennifer Dott, Scott Danni, Rita Machin, & Vivian Hwang<br>
Tickets are $15 each night. THATS FOUR SHOWS FOR $15!!!<br>
For tickets and all other festival information, visit <A href="http://www.confettistage.com/" target=_blank>www.confettistage.com</A> or call the Confetti Stage Box Office at 518-242-8015.<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Sincerely,<br>
Neilson R. Jones<br>
President & Managing Artistic Director<br>
Confetti Stage, Inc.<br>
<A href="http://www.confettistage.com/" target=_blank>www.confettistage.com</A></div>
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