<p> Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 21:15:04 -0500 (EST)<br /> From: Confetti Stage
<neiljones@confettistage.com><br />Reply-To:
neiljones@confettistage.com<br />Subject: HAPPY NEW YEAR !<br /> To:
neiljones@confettistage.com<br /><br />Having trouble viewing this email?<br
/>Click here<br /><a
/><br />Wishing you a Happy 2009!!<br
/><br />Happy New Year from our<br /><br />Managing Artistic Director<br /><br
/>Hey there you,<br />I hope that each of us had a safe and fun New Year's Eve
and a prosperous and happy<br />New Year.<br />2009 is going to be a wonderful
year for Confetti Stage. The projects this year<br />are large. Each one
reaches out to more and more potential theater goers. Our<br />goal in 2009 is
to share our art with as many in our community as possible.<br />Reflecting on
2008, I am pleased to say that even in the face of one or two obstacles,<br
/>we continued to move forward and create several beautiful pieces of
performing art.<br />We gave opportunities that may not have been made
available elsewhere to some extremely<br />talented directors, performers,
designers, technicians, and admins. For that alone,<br />I am extremely proud
of the organization, our organization, all of the casts and<br />crews, and
each of us that in some way helped to create in 2008.<br />Thinking back, it
feels like years since Triptych opened in February or since the<br />Masonic
Hall Theater was covered in burlap, garbage bags, tree branches, and filled<br
/>with a cast of children and adults who each night built the Bridge to
Terabithia.<br />Triptych and A Matter of Grace saw the main stage directing
debuts of<br />Valerie Portanova and Lynn Scott. The 4th Annual Short Play
Festival was larger<br />than any of the previous 3 festivals and came with the
Confetti Stage directing<br />debuts of Peter Keller, John Schmiederer, Dan
Kelly, Aaron Holbritter, Anna Groper,<br />and Tracy Blowers. Returning to
direct in this year's festival were Jeffrey P. Hocking<br />and Valerie
Portanoval. And let's not forget my last minute walk on during the <br
/>festival's first weekend. Fun times!! One of the best productions I have
had the<br />pleasure of working on, The House of Yes, fought against ice and
snow but endured<br />with the help of a walk on performance by Lynn Scott,
filling in for the iced in<br />Rie Lee. Again, Fun Times!!<br />These
accomplishments all sound much smaller when listed in reflection, but we all<br
/>know that each of these productions and the continuation of Theatre Without
Limits<br />is a huge undertaking that could not exist without each of you.
For your contribution,<br />I THANK YOU!<br />It is my hope that 2009 allows
our paths to cross once again. Our 5th Anniversary<br />Season is complete
with 5 choices that are sure to be favorites.<br />A Thousand Clowns in
February<br />Romeo & Juliet in April/May<br />The Rocky Horror Show in
June<br />5th Annual Short Play Festival in Sep /Oct & Little Women in
December<br />There are still several positions open for each of these
productions. Let me know<br />ASAP which show(S) you might be interested in
being a part of and let's start creating<br />together. You might surprise
yourself with how creative you are. Visit our website<br />for the full list
of opportunities available.<br /><br />I sincerely hope that each of you views
2009 & Confetti Stage's 5th Anniversary<br />Season as an opportunity to
stay involved, try new things, create, learn, and have<br />fun being part of
something special.<br />HAPPY NEW YEAR!<br />Sincerely,<br />Neilson R.
Jones<br />President & Managing Artistic Director<br />Confetti Stage,
Inc.<br />518-253-1253<br />www.confettistage.com<br /><br
/><br />2009 kicks off with an<br />American Theater Classic<br />A Thousand
Clowns.<br />Herb Gardner's comic drama is directed by<br />Liana Martino.<br
/>The show runs<br />February 12 - 22<br />at The Albany Masonic Hall<br />67
Corning Pl.<br />Albany, NY.<br />Tickets are $15.<br />Tickets and more
information are available at www.confettistage.com [<a
/><br />Confetti<br /><br />FlexTik<br /><br />5 tickets<br /><br />for $50<br
/><br /><br />The Confetti FlexTik can be used for up to 5 tickets to any
Confetti Stage Show.<br />Purchase your Confetti FlexTik today by calling the
Confetti Stage Box Office at<br />518-242-8015 and be sure that you have your
tickets to our<br />5th Anniversary Season.<br /><br />You may bring your
friends and use all 5 tickets for one production or keep your<br />Confetti
FlexTik to yourself, and use it to see all 5 productions in our<br />5th
Anniversary Season. Better yet, purchase one Confetti FlexTik for each of
the<br />5 productions and bring your friends all year! ;-)<br /><br /><br
/><br />For more information, visit us online at www.confettistage.com [<a
/>!<br /><br
/>Help us spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to your friends.<br /><a
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