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<b><font color="#ff0000">SCHENECTADY CIVIC PLAYERS present . . .</font><br><br>The
hilarious comedy by John Murray & Allen Boretz . . .<br><font color="#ff0000" size="6">ROOM
SERVICE</font><br>Directed by Chris Foster </b>
<font color="#ff0000" size="5">May 2, 3, & 4 and 7 thru 11</font><br><font size="2">(FRIDAYS
& SATURDAYS at 8 pm; WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY at 7:30 pm; SUNDAY matinees
at 2:30 pm)</font><br><br><br>“The President, <font color="#ff0000">Room
Service</font>, Lend Me a Tenor and Noises Off are perhaps the
funniest plays of all time.” - <i>Bennington Banner</i>. A 1938
film version starred the Marx Brothers, and co-starred Lucille Ball,
Ann Miller, Alexander Asro, and Frank Albertson.<br><br>The plot
centers around a nimble-witted producer, living on credit in a
Broadway hotel, and desperately in need of a big hit. By chance and
good luck, he finds a playwright with a good play and a backer with
$15,000. In the course of a few short days, he must deal with an odd
assortment of actors, the hotel manager, the playwright and the angel
with the money.<br><br><font color="#3300cc">The cast features Pat
Brady (<i>as Senator Blake</i>), Richard Cross (<i>as Dr. Glass</i>),
Spencer Hopkins (<i>the Messenger</i>), Amy Lane (<i>Christine</i> <i>Marlowe</i>),
Robin MacDuffie (<i>Faker</i> <i>Englund</i>), Marty O’Connor (<i>Joseph</i>
<i>Gribble</i>), Richard Roe (<i>Harry Binion</i>), Michael Schaefer (<i>Sasha
Smirnoff</i>), John Schnurr (<i>Leo Davis</i>), Dennis Skiba (<i>Simon
Jenkins</i>), John Sutliff (<i>Gregory Wagner</i>), Michael Silvia (<i>Timothy
Hogarth</i>), Jennifer Van Iderstyne (<i>Hilda Manney</i>), and
Patrick White (<i>Gordon Miller</i>). </font></b>
<font color="#3300cc" size="4">Tickets, $17. Order in person at, or
charge by phone through, Proctors box office 346-6204. </font></b>
<b><font color="#3300cc" size="4">Order on-line at
www.civicplayers.org More info call 382-2081.</font><br><br><font color="#ff0000" size="5">SCHENECTADY
CIVIC PLAYHOUSE</font><br>(12 South Church St. – Downtown Schenectady
– In the historic Stockade district)<br><br>(SEE ATTACHED PHOTO:
(l to r) Richard Michael Roe, Robin MacDuffie, John Schnurr, Amy M.
Lane, and Patrick White)<br></b>