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<DIV><STRONG>Spotlight Players Community Theater Inc. has announced that auditions for the upcoming summer musical</STRONG> <FONT size=3><STRONG>Annie Get Your Gun</STRONG></FONT> <STRONG>will take place at Columbia High School on Tuesday, March 8th for ages 17 and older. (must be 17 by audition date). Callbacks and auditions by appointment only will be Wednesday, March 9th.</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><EM><FONT size=2>*Also looking for 1 young boy (age 8-10) who sings soprano. Please call or email for appointment!</FONT></EM> </STRONG> </DIV>
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<P align=justify><STRONG>Auditions are from 6-8pm, with signups starting at 5:30pm. Ladies should come prepared to sing “Can’t Get a Man With a Gun”, and men with “My Defenses are Down” both songs from the show. Reading and Dance auditions may also be requested. The show runs for 4 performances from July 28-31 in East Greenbush.</STRONG></P>
<P align=justify><STRONG>For more information or a registration form in advance please contact Kristina Kennedy-Babcock at 436-3988 or at <A href="mailto:spotlight12061@nycap.rr.com">spotlight12061@nycap.rr.com</A>.</STRONG></P>
<P align=justify><STRONG>Additional information about Spotlight Players and their events can be obtained by visiting their website: <I><U>www.timesunion.com/communities/spotlightplayers</U>. </I>The website includes information about the theatre group, past shows, a calendar of events, newsletter, and also volunteer opportunities for the upcoming musical Annie Get Your Gun!. Interested volunteers can email: <A href="mailto:spotlight12061@nycap.rr.com">spotlight12061@nycap.rr.com</A>. </STRONG></P>
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