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<DIV><STRONG>Join Capital Area Productions as we showcase the amazing talents of our area youth ages 6-18 years old on Friday evening October 13th at Genet Elemtary School in our 1st ever SHOWCASE OF TALENT. </STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><U>Auditions </U>for this 1 time only showcase will be held on September 19th from 6-8:30pm at Genet Elementary School (Rt. 4 East Greenbush). Come prepeared to share with us your talent. Routine/Act must be under 3 minutes and age appropriate! All acts must provide their own music/props/instruments (except the piano if needed) etc... We will be able to play CD's only (no cassette tapes please). Any other special needs please contact us in advance!</STRONG> <EM>(if you are unable to attend this audition date please contact us about special arrangements for another day). </EM></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>There will be 2 rehearsals for this show: 10/4 and 10/11. There is <U>NO</U> tuition or cost to the performers in this show. </STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Tickets will be available at a cost of $4 for children 10 and under and $6 for all others. There will be a great concession stand also during intermission and a 50/50 to benefit the youth theater group!</STRONG></DIV></DIV>
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<DIV align=left><FONT color=#ff0000>Be sure to check out our website for upcoming audition and show information on the Holiday Production, <STRONG>TOYCAMP</STRONG>, and also the brand new stage version of </FONT><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL,</STRONG> coming in February<STRONG>.</STRONG></FONT> <A title=http://capareaproductions.tripod.com/ href="http://capareaproductions.tripod.com/" target=_blank><FONT color=#800080 size=6>http://capareaproductions.tripod.com</FONT></A></DIV>
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