<div><pre><tt><tt>Patty Richardson is producing a movie over at Union college that both<br>
Kathleen Carey (Players-OT) and myself are in. The movie is about half-way<br>
complete in shooting, and is hopefully going to be completed this summer.<br>
It's a movie called DETOUR, and is sort of a Law&Order styled story.<br>
But, Patty is really in need of a camera person for this summer to complete<br>
it. All shooting is done in the Union college area.<br>
So if there are any students that are around for the summer, and have an<br>
interest in filming a movie, she would love to hear from you. Especially if<br>
you happen to have your own camcorder. Just a normal DV one is all you<br>
would need. Maybe it's something that could be useful for some EMAC credit?<br>
Anyway, if you have any interest at all, please contact Patty directly.<br>
Patty Richardson<br>
<a href='javascript:parent.ComposeTo("richardp%40union.edu", "");'>richardp@union.edu</a></tt></tt></pre> </div>
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