<div><pre><tt><tt>Please allow me to announce for the first time or<br>
simply remind you of Schenectady Light Opera's(SLOC's)<br>
auditions for "The Music Man".<br>
Auditions & full casting only open to elementary<br>
through High School students.<br>
We are proud to announce that this production will be<br>
performed at PROCTOR's Theatre, Nov 14-18th, 2007.<br>
Auditions are June 4 and June 6th, 2007 at SLOC at<br>
6pm. <br>
Submitting an audition application is strongly<br>
requested(prior to audition night).<br>
Scheduling an audition is strongly requested.<br>
I am passing along 2 websites to assist you & your<br>
referalls. These websites will provide you with all<br>
the necessary audition and production information(Role<br>
descriptions; Song Lists; Plot Synopsis etc)<br>
Please refer to:<br>
1) <a href="http://home.nycap.rr.com/goodnote" target="_blank">http://home.nycap.rr.com/goodnote</a><br>
2) <a href="http://www.sloctheater.com%28click/" target="_blank">www.sloctheater.com(click</a> on the Music Man heading)<br>
I am sending this informal email to you since I<br>
recognize you as one who will either have a family<br>
member that would be suitable for these auditions OR<br>
you simply know of a student that NEEDS TO receive<br>
this information. <br>
Please feel free to forward this audition email to any<br>
student, teacher, or theatre company. <br>
We will be publishing audition information to the<br>
general public(in greater detail) within the next<br>
week, but I wanted to hopefully be the first one to<br>
share this with you.<br>
Thanks for spreading the word.<br>
Sincerely, <br>
Dave Dixon;<br>
CO-VP for Public Relations(SLOC);<br>
PR Assistant for "Music Man"<br>
</tt></tt></pre> </div>
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