<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Albany Civic Theater will hold auditions for Noel Coward’s comedy of manners, “Hay Fever,” directed by Laura W. Andruski on Monday and Tuesday, October 29th & 30th at Albany Civic Theater, 235 2nd Avenue, Albany, NY 12209. Sign in will begin at 7pm; auditions will begin at 7:30pm. Needed: 4 men and 5 women, ages 19-70. Readings will be from the script. British accents will be used in performance. Scripts are available for perusal. Please contact Laura W. Andruski at (518) 383-8277 or lwandruski@aol.com to obtain a copy of the script. Production dates: February 22-24, 28-March 2 and March 6-9, 2008. For more information, please call (518) 462-1297 or visit www.albanycivictheater.org. Albany Civic Theater is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization.<br>
Available roles:<br>
MYRA ARUNDEL – Sexy, confident and sophisticated. Used to being the one who manipulates a situation. She is utterly frustrated by the way the entire family’s odd behavior takes events out of her control. 45+<br>
DAVID BLISS – Judith’s husband and Simon and Sorel’s father, is an absent-minded writer, wrapped up in his latest book. Less melodramatic than his flamboyant wife, David nevertheless is equally self-involved and self-obsessed. 50s<br>
JUDITH BLISS – David’s wife and Simon and Sorel’s mother. A well-known stage actress who has temporarily retired, she made her name in melodramatic plays. Bored with everyday life, she amuses herself by acting out exaggerated roles and theatrically misinterpreting ordinary situations. Vibrant and eccentric, she is unable to keep from slipping into dramatic personae constantly, and her family has learned to adapt to and play along with this tendency. 50s<br>
SIMON BLISS – Judith and David’s adult son. Cares little for other people’s opinions. He is given to extremes: expressing energetically his adoration for the worldly Myra one minute, then seducing the innocent Jackie the next. Mid to late-20s<br>
SOREL BLISS – Judith and David’s adult daughter. Sorel is the only member of the Bliss family who expresses any concern about their unorthodox behavior. Despite her attempts at self-improvement, Sorel remains very much a Bliss: eccentric and unconventional. Early 20s<br>
CLARA – Described in the stage directions as “a hot, round, untidy little woman,” Clara is a long-suffering Bliss family employee. Originally Judith’s dresser at the theater, she is now the over-taxed family housekeeper. 40s-50s<br>
JACKIE CORYTON – A perfectly sweet flapper with an ingenuous manner, she is shy and ill at ease from the start. She is easily confused and embarrassed, and at one point distraught to the point of tears. She is as eager as her fellow visitors to escape from the house. 20s<br>
RICHARD GREATHAM – A frightfully well-known diplomat, he has an instinct for politeness. Richard is drawn to the Bliss family because they are “so alive and vital and different from other people.” He admires Judith’s vitality and says he feels “dead” by comparison, but he hardly knows how to respond when after one brief kiss she leaps up and begins announcing plans to leave her husband. 50+<br>
SANDY TYRELL – An amateur boxer, described as “fresh looking” with an unspoiled, youthful sense of honor. Having fallen in love with Judith when he saw her onstage, Sandy at first can’t believe his good fortune in being her houseguest. He is disillusioned, however, by the discovery that she has a husband. Mid to late-20s<br>
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