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<X-FDIS>Spiral Notebook</X-FDIS>
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<DIV align=center><FONT size=4><STRONG>Assistant to the Director wanted for a fall production of <U>The Good Doctor</U> at the Sand Lake Center for the arts</STRONG></FONT>. </DIV>
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<DIV> If you are interested in training for a future position as a community theater director this is a perfect opportunity for you to experience, first hand, all the components that go into creating a theatrical production. </DIV>
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<DIV>Along side the director, be closely involved in auditioning, scheduling rehearsals, blocking, character development, production meetings, set design, lighting and sound design, set construction, etc. The work is demanding but ultimately very rewarding; You get to take an important share of the credit for putting a complete show on its feet to be presented for an appreciative audience. And the experience will be quite useful in your future theatrical career.</DIV>
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<DIV>If you are not afraid of hard work, are open to new ideas and enjoy working in a creative atmosphere, you are the person for the job. Previous experience not necessary.</DIV>
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<DIV><STRONG>To schedule an interview, please call Nancy at 518-438-4303 or e-mail at: </STRONG><A href="mailto:nanactress@nycap.rr.com"><STRONG>nanactress@nycap.rr.com</STRONG></A><STRONG>.</STRONG></DIV>
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<DIV>Auditions take place in June and rehearsals are slated to begin the last week of August. The play will be performed the middle two weeks of October '09.</DIV>
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