Auditions for Moonlight & Magnolias will take place on Tuesday, June 10 <br>
and Thursday, June 12 at the Playhouse, 12 S. Church St., Schenectady, NY <br>
Imagine three of Hollywood's greatest icons, producer David O. Selznick, <br>
famed screenwriter Ben Hecht, and legendary director Victor Fleming locked in <br>
the producer's office for five days and nights trying to come up with a <br>
workable script for Gone With the Wind. Production has already begun on the movie, <br>
but the unhappy Selznick shuts down shooting, fires George Cukor, takes <br>
Fleming off the set of The Wizard of Oz, and offers Hecht $15,000 to fashion a <br>
better screenplay. Joe Fava will direct this hilarious spoof on Hollywood. <br>
Available parts include: David O. Selznick 35-45, head of the studio, zany, <br>
energetic; Ben Hecht 30-40, well-known screenwriter, but hasn't read Gone <br>
With the Wind; Victor Fleming, director, burly, imposing; Miss Poppenghul <br>
40-60, Selznick's secretary, a small but juicy part. Production dates are Oct. <br>
17-19 and 22-26. Please direct all questions to producer Don Mealy at 372-5322. </pre><div id='u8CA98479B9360A0-E28-1448' class='aol_ad_footer'><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Stay informed, get connected and more <A title="http://mobile.aol.com/productOverview.jsp?productOverview=aol-mobile-overview&?&ncid=aolmbd00030000000139" href="http://mobile.aol.com/productOverview.jsp?productOverview=aol-mobile-overview&?&ncid=aolmbd00030000000139" target="_blank">with AOL on your phone</A>.</FONT> </div>