<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><br>
<div> My interest in history and George Westinghouse</div>
<div>triggered two plays. One was read by Civic Players last Nov.</div>
<div>and I've since revised it based upon feedback there.</div>
<div> It's presently titled <U>By George</U> with <U>AIRBRAKE</U> as an alternative title. </div>
<div>It would take about an hour to read through. </div>
<div> The current form features limited characters and staging - something</div>
<div>that would be doable. But the story itself lends to big production</div>
<div>and a 'cast of thousands' which is one inherent dilemma.</div>
<div>My foremost dilemma, however, is whether this is a piece of</div>
<div>history (his story) or a viable theatre piece? Can I make it both?</div>
<div>I want it to be good theatre not just good education.</div>
<div> I'm open to experimental formats, but mostly want a good story</div>
<div> and good drama. Any help is appreciated.</div>
<div> Critical feedback is as welcome as suggestions. If you are</div>
<div>interested in helping, I can send a printed copy and would </div>
<div>appreciate a time frame. Thanks.</div>
<div>Betty Pieper</div>
<div><A href="mailto:BettyPieper@aol.com">BettyPieper@aol.com</A></div>
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