<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><font color="black" face="arial" size="2"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">PRESS RELEASE<br>
<u>Eleanor Needs Her Franklin!<br>
Casting is nearly complete for the March production of <i>Eleanor</i>, an original musical based on the life of Eleanor Roosevelt! <i>Eleanor </i>will be performed in the upstairs space of One One One Restaurant on Main Street, in Greenwich, New York, a half hour east of Saratoga Springs. Rehearsals begin in January. Most major roles are filled, but we remain in search of a male lead to play President Franklin Roosevelt opposite the very talented Sylvia E. Bloom. Franklin is featured in three songs in the musical, “Debutant,” “You Will Be My Eyes,” and “Everyone Deserves Some Happiness In Life.” There are still other roles available for teens and adults, including the role of Eleanor’s companion in later years, Lorena Hickok, featured in the songs, “Je t’Aime et Je t’Adore,” and “Everyone Deserves Some Happiness In Life.”<br>
The writer/composer of <i>Eleanor</i> is Greenwich resident Suzanne Cohen, who previously produced her original musical comedy, Queen Esther of Persia, in both Greenwich in 2007, and Glens Falls in 2009. <br>
This production is made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council of the Arts Decentralization Program, administered locally by The Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council (L.A.R.A.C.). <br>
So, if you are a man or woman between the ages of, say, 25 and 45, are a confident singer, and would enjoy performing in a local musical, please call Suzanne Cohen at (518)480-9071. <br>