<font color='black' size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><font color="black" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
<div> Seeking <font size="2">Women of <font size="2">C</font>olor</font>,<br>
I am shooting a tribute short film/music video on Sunday December 30th, late afternoon, that will be marketed na<font size="2">tionally</font>. <br>
<font size="2"><font size="2">Black women needed to portray actresses auditioning for one of three types of roles: Maid, Business <font size="2">Wom<font size="2">an,<font size="2"> "Hoochie"</font></font></font></font></font><br>
<font size="2">No pay but you will rec<font size="2">ei</font>ve a copy of the completed project</font>.<br>
<font size="2">This is a legitimate and professional project. NO NUDITY<br>
<font size="2">Pleas<font size="2">e email headshots to kevincraigwe<font size="2">st@gmail.com<br>
<font size="2">Thanks,</font><br>
<div> <br>
<div style="clear:both">Kevin Craig West<br>
212 202 3737 vm/fax<br>