<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><span itemprop="description"><span class="fsl"><b><i>Any Addict</i></b>, the stories of recovering addicts, told in their own words <br>
Edited and directed by Michael Kennedy<br>
Assistant Director: Joanne Peal<br>
<span class="text_exposed_show"><br>
Auditions will be held <b>Monday and Tuesday, March 17 and 18</b>, 2014 at the Guilderland Public Library, Normanskill room.<br>
Sign in begins both evenings at 6:30 PM, with auditions <br>
beginning at 7:00 PM.<br>
There is no need to prepare a monologue. Those auditioning will <br>
read sides from the script.<br>
The following roles are available :<br>
<b><u>11 Women (ages: 20s - 70s)</u></b><br>
Stella: (20s/30s, any race) open, animated, honest, approachable<br>
Dee Dee: (30s/40s, biracial) matter of fact, a planner, committed to and excited by recovery<br>
Faith: (50s, white/Hungarian & Russian heritage) from Queens and
Long Island, animated, a little manic, emphatic, grateful, loving<br>
Michelle: (40s/50s, white, gender non-conforming) serious, intelligent, somewhat guarded, a public speaker<br>
Star: (50s, white) Italian heritage, from Brooklyn, childlike, gentle, poetic <br>
Joselyn: (40s/50s, any race) long term recovery with a history of 12 step involvement, bit of a loner, intelligent and caring<br>
Danni: (40s/50s, white, gender non-conforming) Jewish, from Long Island, gay, an activist, clear, no nonsense, loving<br>
Harriet: (40s – 50s, white) from NJ, research scientist, earnest, funny, wildly intelligent, schizophrenia managed with meds<br>
Pandora: (50s, white) childlike wonder, open, supportive to others, teachable<br>
Ellis: (50s, any race) long term recovery, brave, a compassionate loner<br>
Sally: (70s, white) long term recovery, wise, calm, hopeful, giving, with a bit of an edge<br>
<u><b>7 Men (ages: 20s - 60s)</b></u><br>
Limm: (20s, white) Jewish, intelligent, deeply committed to recovery, earnest, willing, sarcastic<br>
Paul: (20s, any race)early recovery, very shy, still understanding the basics<br>
Daniel: (30s/40s, white) earnest, insightful, honest<br>
Mark: (30s, white).early recovery, gay, artist, sincere, boyish, friendly, loving<br>
Derek: (50s, white) gay, artist/carpenter, intelligent, creative, wide open heart/low tolerance for bullshit, direct<br>
Sterling: (50s/60s, African American) early recovery, articulate,
intelligent, challenged by the idea of asking for and accepting help <br>
Menlein: (60s, white) from Germany, old time heroin addict, artist, awakening to possibilities<br>
Performances are June 6-7 and 13-14 , 2014<br>
at the Arts Center of the Capital Region, Black Box Theater, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/troy.rhodes2" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=1626566909&extragetparams=%7B%22directed_target_id%22%3A0%7D">Troy</a><br>
Please address questions to Michael Kennedy at indigo9142@aol.com or to Joanne Peal at jpeal@nycap.rr.com</span></span></span>