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--></style><font face="Arial" size="3" style="font-size: 12pt;"><font face="Times New Roman" size="5"><strong><font size="6" style="font-size: 24pt;">PERFORMING SMARTS</font></strong> </font></font><br><font face="Times New Roman" size="5"></font> <br><font face="Arial" size="3" style="font-size: 12pt;"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4">PRESENTS AUDITIONS FOR A STUDENT PRODUCTION OF:</font></font><br><font face="Arial" size="3" style="font-size: 12pt;"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4"></font></font> <br>
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<font face="Arial" size="3" style="font-size: 12pt;"><font face="Times New Roman" size="5"><font size="6" style="font-size: 24pt;"></font></font></font><strong><font face="Times New Roman" size="6">GODSPELL</font></strong><br><strong><font face="Times New Roman"></font></strong> <br><font face="Times New Roman" size="4" style="font-size: 16pt;">Directed By: Eric Shovah<br>Co-Produced By: Eric Shovah & Marlene Countermine<br>Musical Direction By: Linda Zannitto <br>Choreographed By: Heather D’Arcy</font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>Audition Dates/Times:<br></strong>Tuesday, May 27th (Sign-in at 6:00pm, Auditions from 6:30-9:00pm) or<br>Wednesday, May 28th (Sign-in at 6:00pm, Auditions from 6:30-9:00pm)</font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>Audition Location:</strong> Rexford United Methodist Church (18 Main Street, Rexford, NY 12148)</font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>Performance Location:</strong> Heatly High School in Green Island, NY</font><br><font face="Times New Roman"> </font><br><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>Performance Dates:</strong> July 25-27, 2014</font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman">Please prepare 16-32 bars of music from a Broadway Musical (bring sheet music – in the correct key). No a capella singing! Also, come prepared to dance, move, and engage in some physical comedy. <span style='line-height: 115%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt;'>Some
auditioners may be asked to read from the script or sing from the show.<span> </span>Also, if you play an instrument and would be
interested in doing so onstage during the show, please feel free to bring it to
auditions and showcase this skill as well!</span></font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>Show Synopsis:</strong> <span style='line-height: 115%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt;'>Based
on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, a group of people help Jesus Christ
tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling
techniques, and a hefty dose of comic timing!<span>
</span>An eclectic blend of songs ranging in style from pop to vaudeville is
employed as the story of Jesus’ life dance across the stage.<span> </span>Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper
and the Crucifixion, Jesus’ message of kindness, tolerance, and love come
vibrantly to life.<span> </span>The show is composed
by Stephen Schwartz who also wrote Pippin and Wicked and contains songs such as
“Day by Day,” “Prepare Ye,” and “All for the Best.”<span> </span></span></font><br><font face="Times New Roman"><span style='line-height: 115%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt;'><span></span></span></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman">No roles are precast and the show provides an opportunity to highlight and showcase many individuals and talents while still creating an ensemble of people working together. </font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>Auditions are open to students currently in 2nd-12th grade.</strong> </font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman">There are a wide range of characters and ages! <span style='line-height: 115%; font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt;'>Godspell
provides an opportunity for many students to sing solos, duets, trios and also
includes dance, magic, physical comedy, and an opportunity for some students
play instruments onstage as well!</span></font><br><font face="Times New Roman"></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman">Please bring a calendar of conflicts to the auditions. Call backs may be held if needed. </font><br><font face="Times New Roman"><br><strong>THERE IS NO TUITION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PRODUCTION!</strong></font><br><font face="Times New Roman"> <br><span style='font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 12pt;'>The
director welcomes any questions. If you cannot attend the audition dates listed
but would still like to be in the production and need to arrange an alternate
audition date, please contact the director, Eric Shovah by email at <a href="mailto:bialystockandbloom@nycap.rr.com"><font color="#0000ff">bialystockandbloom@nycap.rr.com</font></a>,
by phone at (518) 526-1300 or through the website at <a href="http://www.performingsmarts.com/" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">www.performingsmarts.com</font></a>.<span> </span>If you need to set up an alternate time for
auditions, please contact the director PRIOR to auditions.<span> </span>Thanks and we hope to see you there!</span><br>
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