<font color='black' size='3' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><font color="black" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><font size="3">Auditions
for Town Players of Pittsfield's staged reading of the award winning
play, "The Weir", by Conor McPherson will be held on Monday, September
15 and Tuesday, September 16, upstairs at the Whitney Center for the
Arts, 42 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield at 6:30pm.<br>
"The Weir" is set in a rural Irish Pub. The play </font>depicts ordinary life of the locals, their magical stories and their encounter with a woman with a sorrowful tale to tell. <br>
<font size="3">Needed for the cast are </font>four men (thirties through fifties) and one woman (thirties). There
will be a smaller role for a narrator (man or woman). All characters
except the narrator should be able to do a reasonable Irish accent<font size="3">. The play is being directed by John Trainor and will be performed on October 26.</font></font>