<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br> <br>Classic Theater Guild, Inc. is looking for a male actor to immediately fill in for a small part as Harry Bailey in <i>It's a Wonderful Life</i>. Approximately 20 lines. Age appearance between 25 - 35 is preferred. <br> <br>Performance dates at Proctor's in Schenectady are:<br>12/5 evening - 7:30<br>12/6 matinee and evening - 2:00 & 7:30<br>12/7 matinee - 2:00<br> <br>12/12 evening - 7:30<br>12/13 matinee and evening - 2:00 & 7:30<br>12/14 2:00<br> <br>12/20 - 3:00 matinee in Voorheesville<br> <br>Call times are one hour before performance.<br> <br>If you are interested and available, I would also need to know if you are free to rehearse on 11/24, 11/25 next week, plus all of the week 12/1 through 12/4 for technical and dress rehearsals. Call time for tech week is 6:30.<br> <br>Please email head shot and resume to <a href="mailto:nypeggi@gmail.com" target="_blank">nypeggi@gmail.com</a> if you have one.<br> <br>Thank you!<br>