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<u><font color="#ff0000" size="5"><b>Schenectady Civic Players
soliciting submissions and performers for . . .<br>Third Annual “Be
Scene!” </b></font></u>
<font size="4">Schenectady Civic Players' Be Scene 2015</font><br><br>Do
you love to perform? Is there a scene you’ve always wanted to do? Do
you have a friend you’ve been dying to do a show with? Well here’s
your chance! Perform anything you want, with anyone you want in the
Schenectady Civic Players’ Third Annual Be Scene! event on May 30th,
2015.<br><br><font color="#330099" size="4">What is Be Scene?</font><br>•A
night of scenes, acting, friends and fun. It’s simple, get a group
together or go solo. Choose a scene or a monologue and submit it to
SCP for consideration.<br>•A scene selection committee will be
reviewing all submissions and creating a program based on time and
variety.<br>•The contact people for selected scenes will be notified
by phone or email, please indicate your preferred contact method when
submitting scenes. </b>
<font color="#330099" size="4"><b>Here are the rules:</b></font><b><br>•Groups
may consist of 1 actor performing a monologue or multiple individuals
with or without a director.<br>•Submitted scenes should be no more
than 10 minutes in length.<br>•At this time neither musical numbers or
original works will be accepted.<br>•Space will be limited and not all
scenes may be selected. When submitting please include the names of
your group, scene and show.<br>•All participants will be responsible
for their own rehearsals and production needs. Set, lights and
costumes should be kept to a minimum; ideally pieces will focus on the
actors and their work.<br>•There will be ONE Tech/Dress for all
participants on Friday, May 29th, 2015 at 7:00pm. </b>
<font size="4">•</font><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Submissions
should be sent no later than Friday, April 3rd, 2015</font><font color="#ffffff" size="4">5</font><font size="4">.</font>
Use the form on our website http://home.civicplayers.org/be-scene/ or
email bescene@civicplayers.org<br>•Selected Scenes will be notified by
email once the final program has been chosen.<br><br><font color="#ff0000" size="4">The
performance will be 7:30pm Saturday, May 30th</font><font size="4"> </font>and
open to the general public as a Pay-What-You-Will evening. Don’t miss
this special event at SCP. Have fun with your friends and celebrate
the community aspect of Community Theater!<br></b>