[Capdist-announce] Fw: Last weekend for Albany Civic Theater's "Time After Time"!

Charles Treadwell chas911sc at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 22:53:10 EDT 2008


Event Listing Contact: Chas Treadwell, chas911sc at yahoo.com
September 23, 2008

Albany Civic Theater’s (ACT) first show of the 2008-2009 main stage season: 
                                              TIME AFTER TIME 

                                               by John Mattera

                                          Directed by Margaret King
Come see a real time machine in action as H.G Wells travels through time to track down Jack The Ripper. Thrills and chills, guaranteed!

Performances September 26-28, 2008 
Thursday-Saturday performances at 8:00 pm, and Sunday matinees at 3:00 pm

Albany Civic Theater is located at 235 2nd Avenue, Albany, NY 12209. 
General Admission $15.00;
Government employees: buy one ticket, get one free, with valid gov’t ID for attendee.
For Reservations and/or Information (518) 462-1297, or visit our Web site at www.albanycivictheater.org 
Albany Civic Theater is a Not-For-Profit, All-Volunteer Organization. This program is made possible in part through the Arts Grant Program of the City of Albany, New York.

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