[Capdist-announce] ACT Announces Playwright's Showcase, Sunday, July 18, 3pm

Charles Treadwell chas911sc at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 16 21:10:57 EDT 2010

Albany Civic Theater presents the 2010 Playwright’s Showcase, Disappearing Act by Katherine Ambrosio of Delmar, directed by Carol King, on Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 3pm. 
This is a pay-what-you-will staged reading; donations are encouraged. No reservations are required. 
Disappearing Act is about a couple who are passionately in love, though physical passion has passed.  Dottie is slipping into dementia and her husband, Tim, is encouraging her to fight and trying to keep her with him as long as possible.  This is a very human story, told with humor and compassion. 
Disappearing Act stars Gil Spevack, Judy Spevack, and Amy Durant. A question-and-answer session with the actors, director and playwright will immediately follow the performance. 
Albany Civic Theater is located at 235 Second Avenue, Albany, NY 12209. See a description of our 2010-11 season on www.albanycivictheater.org  518-462-1297

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