[Capdist-announce] Community Calendar Announcement - Gospel Jam

Little Theater on the Farm, Inc. littletheater at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 22 03:51:52 EDT 2011

Please list the following in your Community Calendar Announcements.  Thank you.

Wednesday, June 29th, 7 pm.
Gospel Jam, hosted by The Bluebillies, will be held at Little Theater on the Farm, 27 Plum Road, Fort Edward.    Refreshments and a 50/50 raffle will be available. Admission is free. Donations appreciated. For more information call Mel (518)632-5026 or visit www.littletheater27.com

Linda Hermans 
President, Little Theater on the Farm, Inc.
27 Plum Road, Fort Edward, NY 12828
(518)  747-3421

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