[Capdist-announce] One more Announcement

Linda Hermans littletheater at littletheater27.org
Mon Jul 23 10:38:24 EDT 2012

*Linda Hermans, President*
*Little Theater on the Farm, Inc*
27 Plum Road, Fort Edward, NY 12828
(518) 747-3421
e-mail: littletheater at littletheater27.org
website: littletheater27.org

Please announce the following in you Community Calendar.  Thank you.

Wednesday, August 29th at 7pm Gospel Jam hosted by the Bluebillies, at
Little Theater on the Farm, 27 Plum Road, Fort Edward, NY  Pickers and
listeners are welcome, free of charge (donations appreciated). For more
info call Mel (518) 632-5026
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