[Capdist-announce] Carpe Diem Productions Presents Dear Edwina Jr. and Disney's Aladdin Kids

Joe Shaver joeshaver at nycap.rr.com
Sun Jul 28 22:18:35 EDT 2013

Don't miss your chance to see the Carpe Diem Kids and the Summer Stars! Four chances: Friday and Saturday, August 2 and 3 at 1:00 and 7:00 at the Round Lake Auditorium in Round Lake, NY, just off of exit 11 of the Northway.  All tickets are general admission and cost $5 each--a bargain for two great shows.  Running time, including a brief intermission is one hour and forty five minutes.

For more information about our program, check out our website: www.carpediemprod1.weebly.com or find us on Facebook by searching for Carpe Diem Productions.
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