[Capdist-announce] PACK OF LIES by Hugh Whitemore, presented by the Delta Xi Cast of Alpha Psi Omega at RPI

Tom Kinstrey tkinstrey at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 11:47:13 EDT 2013

The Delta Xi Cast of Alpha Psi Omega presents: Pack of LiesView this email
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Delta Xi Cast of Alpha Psi Omega presents "Pack of Lies" by Hugh Whitemore

Directed by Joe Phillips

"Pack of Lies” is a suspense drama about a family caught up in
an undercover investigation involving espionage – that may involve
their next door neighbors and best friends. How well do you know your
neighbors – and how much do you trust your government to tell you the
truth? Where do your loyalties lie – with your friends or your duty as a

Performance dates are September 6, 7, 13, 14 at 8 PM and September 8th at 2
PM at the RPI Playhouse.

Tickets are:
    $15 General Admission,
    $10 Students and Seniors,
    $5 with an RPI ID

Reserve tickets online at

Chartered at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1937, The Delta Xi cast of
Alpha Psi Omega was formed to honor outstanding work in theater on the RPI
campus. To date, over 300 members have been inducted into our cast.

Although most newly-inducted members of the Delta Xi cast are RPI students,
we unhesitatingly accept alumni and community members who demonstrate
excellence in any field of performing arts.
*Copyright © 2013 Delta Xi Cast of Alpha Psi Omega, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in theatrical
performances at the RPI Playhouse. Thanks for your continued support!

*Our mailing address is:*
DX Cast of Alpha Psi Omega
15th Street and Sage Ave.
Rensselaer Union RU 3716
Troy, NY 12180

Add us to your address
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