[Capdist-announce] Error in community Calendar announcement

Little Theater littletheater at littletheater27.org
Mon May 19 19:53:14 EDT 2014

OOPS! the price for seniors and students should have been $5 in the Old
time County and Bluegrass Gospel Music Revue that I submitted earlier.

Here is the corrected version if you need it:

Old Time Country and Bluegrass Gospel Music Revue,  Wednesday, May 28th 7pm
at Little Theater on the Farm.  Mark and Mel Guarino have put together an
evening of great gospel music.  Featured will be:  The Bluebillies
featuring themselves, John Kribs and Orion Kribs, who will perform songs
from their new CD release, the gospel collection called "Train To Paradise"
as well as classic gospel music.  Also appearing:  Jim Gaudet and the
Railroad Boys;  Brian Jiguere; and Third Generation.  Admission $8 (seniors
and students $5).  Raffles and refreshments available.  The theater is
heated when necessary.  Regular Gospel Jams return in June. The theater is
located at 27 Plum Road, Fort Edward.  More info.

*Linda Hermans*
*Little Theater on the Farm, Inc*
27 Plum Road, Fort Edward, NY 12828
(518) 747-3421
e-mail: littletheater at littletheater27.org
website: littletheater27.org
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