[Capdist-announce] Murder Mystery - a beautiful cruise on the Hudson River

Stephen Sanborn stephensanbornphd at gmail.com
Wed May 31 00:57:17 EDT 2017

The Two Of Us Productions is pleased to announce their Summer Murder Mystery

*	Saturday June 24th. We present another crowd pleasing murder mystery
aboard the lovely river cruise boat MARIKA sailing from the Hudson Public
Dock in Hudson NY. 
*	Saturday July 29th.  "Who-dunit?" food & fun aboard the MARIKA
sailing from the Hudson Public Dock in Hudson NY. 
*	Friday August 25th.  A murder mystery evening on the Hudson River
aboard the river cruise boat MARIKA.  
*	Saturday September 23rd.  We present another crowd pleasing murder
mystery under the stars onboard the MARIKA.
*	Saturday October 21st.  Our last cruise of the 2017 season aboard
the lovely MARIKA sailing from the Hudson Public Dock in Hudson NY. 

Boarding begins at 6:30 and we set sail at 7pm. 

Call Hudson Cruises to make your reservations now!

*        online through Zerve by visiting  <http://www.hudsoncruises.com/>

*        call them toll free at (888) 764-1844

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