[Capdist-auditions] LAST CALL - WOMAN IN BLACK - Auditions Tue & Thu, 9/21 & 23

Laura W. Andruski Laura.W.Andruski at williams.edu
Mon Sep 20 09:44:48 EDT 2004

      Auditions for Stephen Mallatratt's "The Woman in Black" will be held on
Tuesday, September 21 and on Thursday, September 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Playhouse, 12 S. Church St., Schenectady, NY.  Registration for 
auditions begins at 7:00 p.m. each night.
       Fog and creepily haunted houses, supernatural happenings, sea mists and
dark stormy nights, lonely funerals and creaking attic doors, all combine in
this gripping adaptation of Susan Hill's tense and thrilling story to create a
play that taps our primal fears.
       Arthur Kipps has been plagued most of his adult life by an experience
that began when he was a young solicitor.  Sent to a small, remote village to
sort out the estate of the recently deceased Alice Drablow, a client of his
firm, he soon became ensnared in the horrific revenge meted out by the ghost,
known as The Woman in Black.  Advancing in years now, Kipps retains
the services of an actor to help him tell the story to an audience, 
in the hope that in the
telling he will exorcise the spectre from him.  What we watch, then, is the
rehearsal of his play, crafted from Kipps's manuscript and surprisingly

AVAILABLE ROLES:  Audition roles are available for two (2) men only.

The Actor - Mid-20s to 30s.  An actor with a flair for the dramatic.
Standard British accent desired.

Arthur Kipps - Late 40s-60+.  Plays multiple characters and narrates the
story.  Standard British and Yorkshire accents.

Note:  The Actor assumes the role of Kipps, while Kipps portrays a variety of
other characters with whom the young solicitor becomes engaged during the

       "The Woman in Black" will be directed by Laura W. Andruski.  The
producer is Joel Katz.    Production dates are December 3-5 and 8-12,
2004.  Perusal scripts are available.  For more information, contact 
the director at 383-8277 or LWAndruski@ aol.com.
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