[Capdist-auditions] Need Models Chinese/Latino/Caucasian ASAP

Adrianne Deihl adrianne_deihl at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 22 17:59:40 EDT 2006

I am casting for a a print project for Kodak printers and I need models as per the following.
  2 Males, 30-40,  Latino
  *Both business wear and  casual wear (2)
    1 Male, 30-40,  White
  1 Female, 35-40 White
  Business casual attire
                          Male, 30-40,  White
  Female, 35-40 White
  Female, 35-40 Latino
  *Business  attire
    Male, Chinese  face
  Mid-30 to  mid-40
  Business professional
    Male/ Female,  Chinese face
  Early 30
  Business casual            Female, smiley  face Chinese face
  Business professional
    We are looking for bright, shiny, character-ish faces as well as "model" types.  More interesting than "pretty."
    This will shoot the second week of November in Troy NY.
    I look forward to receiving some head shots asap.  Please email me adrianne_deihl at yahoo.com or call 518-322-9592.

  Your work is to discover your world 
   and then with all          your heart give yourself to it.  
          The Buddha
  Adrianne Deihl 

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