[Capdist-auditions] Corinth Theatre Guild Auditions for college and high school student- Reminder

Heather Johnson hjohnson1977 at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 21:27:58 EDT 2007

  Audition:  The Fantasticks
  For more information www.corinththeaterguild.com
  May 24th at 7pm at the Corinth Theatre Guild Building
  6 Fourth Street, Corinth
  Production Dates are July 13,14,15
  Corinth Theatre Guild is proud to present its second season of our Student Summer Intern Program.  This program is for College Students and High School students.  For those auditioning for a role please have at least 32 bars of music prepared to sing at auditions.  Other positions, besides actors/actresses we are looking for are the following:
  Lighting and sound operator
  Set Design
  Backstage help
  Description of characters in The Fantasticks:
          THE NARRATOR (El Gallo)   A rakish, handsome gallant 
Baritone: A flat - High G
    THE GIRL (Luisa)   A romantic idealist 
Soprano: B - High B
    THE BOY (Matt)   An innocent young man 
Baritone/Tenor: A - High G
    THE BOY'S FATHER (Hucklebee)   Former navy man, meticulous gardener 
Baritone: A - High F sharp
    THE GIRL'S FATHER (Bellomy)   A merchant, also a picky gardener 
Baritone: A - High F sharp
    THE ACTOR (Henry)   An aging, over-the-top thespian 
    THE MAN WHO DIES (Mortimer)   Henry's goofy sidekick 
    THE MUTE   A speechless presence who watches, acts as the wall, and so on. Male or female. 
  For more information please contact Heather Johnson 518-668-5635 or email hjohnson1977 at yahoo.com.  Corinth Theatre Guilds website is www.corinththeaterguild.com.  Thank you.

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