[Capdist-auditions] Video Casting Notice

Leanne Robinson Maine leanne at magicwig.com
Wed Oct 27 11:55:29 EDT 2010

MagicWig Productions, Inc. is looking for a broad range of types to appear
in a video project shooting next week.  This video is a 1-minute scripted
meeting opener and will communicate the environmentally-focused theme:
³Generation Green.²

We are looking for talent of all ages and ethnicities.  The ability to speak
another language is a PLUS!
Those selected to audition will be contacted and asked to read a brief
script over the phone.

If interested, please send the following to leanne at magicwig.com:
* A current photo 
* Your contact information
* Your hours of availability for the following days: November 3, 4, 5 and 6
* In which, if any, additional languages you can speak the phrase, ³I am
generation green.² 

Those cast will be scheduled for an approximately 3 hour time slot at a
location around Albany.  Compensation is $50.

Many thanks!

Leanne Robinson Maine l  MagicWig Productions, Inc.  l  832 Union St  l
Schenectady  l  NY  I  12308  I  C. 518.221.1438  l  leanne at magicwig.com  l
www.magicwig.com  I  www.sorightsosmart.com

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