[Capdist-auditions] Circle Theatre Players Auditions for "Trying"- June 28 & 29
Sand Lake Center for the Arts
info at slca-ctp.org
Wed Jun 22 11:32:39 EDT 2011
Circle Theatre Players holding auditions for
by Joanna McClelland Glass
Directed by Nancy Wilder
June 28 & 29, 7-10pm
Production dates are October 14, 15, 16, 21, 22 & 23
Trying is a two character play based on the author's real-life experience in
the mid-60's when she worked as a secretary for Francis Biddle at his home
in Washington, D.C. Judge Biddle had been Attorney General under Franklin
Roosevelt. After the war, President Truman named him Chief judge of the
Tribunal at Nuremberg.
The play is about a "green" young girl, fresh off the Canadian prairie and
an old aristocratic curmudgeon "trying" to negotiate and span the enormous
differences of youth and age, and of class and culture. The Judge was
angered with his physical infirmities and enraged at a once brilliant mind
that now betrayed him While his frustrations could bring his youthful
emanuensis to tears, she realized she was witnessing a man of great
intellectual abilities doing battle, fiercely, with his mortality. As their
sometimes comical, sometimes argumentative days together passed, the
fondness and understanding for each other grew.
* * The actress needs to appear to be in her early to mid-twenties, onstage.
The role of the Judge has already been cast. * *
Judge Francis Biddle......An 81 year old, once brilliant man who was
Attorney General under Franklin Roosevelt. After a long and illustrious
career he now functions, as he says, "somewhere between lucidity and
senility." He is a scion of an old, Main Line Philadelphia family.
Sarah Schorr...... A twenty-five year old girl who has been hired by Mrs.
Biddle to be the judge's secretary. She is a direct, plain-spoken peasant
girl originally from the prairie province of Saskachewan.
For additional information contact Director, Nancy Wilder at
nanactress at nycap.rr.com or 438-4303.
Auditions are open to the public.
No membership or fee required.
Auditions are held at
The Sand Lake Center for the Arts
2880 NY 43, Averill Park, NY
½ mile east of the blinking light in Averill Park.
For more information
Visit the SLCA web site at slca-ctp.org <http://www.slca-ctp.org/>
Sand Lake Center for the Arts 2011 Season
Squire Jacob Concert Series
Marty Wendell – Sept. 24
Ramblin’ Jug Stompers – Oct. 29
Stefanie Fixe – Nov. 19
Gallery Shows
APCSD Art Teachers, May 16 - June 30
Special Events
A Taste of Sand Lake, Aug. 18
Sand Lake Center for the Arts - Circle Theatre Players,
is a not for profit community arts center
The Center is a renovated, historically significant 1835 church
with a fully equipped open performing space for theatrical productions,
community meetings, concerts, workshops and classes; and is available for
The light-filled Gallery boasts original stained glass windows
and exhibits artists' work throughout the year.
The Gallery and Cafe are open one hour prior to events.
Volunteer opportunities abound and can be yours by contacting
Executive Director, Debra Roy at <mailto:info at slca-ctp.org>
info at slca-ctp.org.
The Center is air conditioned, handicapped accessible and has free parking.
<http://www.slca-ctp.org> http://slca-ctp.org
Sand Lake Center for the Arts - Circle Theatre Players
P.O. Box 179 - Averill Park, New York 12018
Email: <mailto:info at slca-ctp.org> info at slca-ctp.org
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