[Capdist-auditions] HMT Looking for an actor to play Roy Cohn in an April staged reading

JJ Buechner togacub25 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 4 09:43:03 EST 2011

Homemade Theater is looking for an actor to fill the role of Roy Cohn in their 
staged reading of Angels in America Part Two - Perestroika. The commitment is 
very small. There will be one rehearsal on April 9th and the staged reading on 
April 10th. This is a great chance to work with a great cast and a chance to be 
a part of a show that is rarely done. 
Roy Cohn 
Angels in America
Kushner subtitled his play ''A Gay Fantasia on National Themes.’’ Like a 
"fantasia," which is a medley of familiar tunes with variations and interludes, 
the play's scenes often seem musical, like operatic arias, playful duets, or 
powerful trios. Characters move in and out of conversations with each other, 
sometimes even overlapping other vignettes, which occur onstage at the same 
time, and the settings change rapidly from offices to bedrooms, from hospital 
wards to the imaginary South Pole.
For all its intricacies, however, the plot of the play is quite simple. It is 
the story of two couples whose relationships are disintegrating, set in America 
in the 1980s against a backdrop of greed, conservatism, sexual politics, and the 
discovery of an awful new disease: AIDS. It is this backdrop that provides 
Angels in America its magnitude and sets it apart from other love stories. In 
this play, the plot is largely driven by its themes, which are viewed from 
different characters' perspectives, as through a kaleidoscope, as the story 
Please contact the director directly with interest or any questions. JJ Buechner 
- togacub25 at yahoo.comis an "epic" drama, which means its plot unfolds over great 
distances of time and place, involves many characters, and more than one story 
line. Two complete plays form the entire plot: the first part, Millennium 
Approaches and its second installment, Perestroika. Together, they present more 
than thirty characters in eight acts, fifty-nine scenes, and an epilogue.– A 
closeted gay lawyer, based on real life Roy Cohn. Just as in history, it is 
eventually revealed that he has contracted AIDS, which he insists is liver 
cancerin order to preserve his reputation.

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