[Capdist-auditions] AUDITIONS: MACBETH!

Danielle Beach danielle.m.beach at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 14:53:36 EDT 2012

AUDITIONS for MACBETH will be held in Cook Park's ampitheatre on Monday,
JULY 9 and Tuesday JULY 10 from 6-8 pm.  Please prepare a dramatic
Shakespearean monologue.

PERFORMANCE DATES (tentative):  OCTOBER 19 and 20 at SUNY Albany, in the
Studio Theatre.


10-20 (Macduff’s son, Fleance, Young Siward (may be a little older),
possibly Donalbain)

21-30 (Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm)

30-45 (Banquo)

46+ (Duncan, Siward)

Any: Seyton, Porter, Lennox, Ross, Menteith, Angus, Caithness, doctors,
soldiers, etc.


18-30 (2)

Witches may be any age

Hecate may be any age

Female extras may be any age
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