Singer, Iris (DOT) Iris.Singer at dot.ny.gov
Thu Apr 18 09:09:11 EDT 2013

Point of View Players are holding auditions for "THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE"a delightful comedy by Neil Simon and directed by Iris Singer,  at St. Sophia Greek Church from May 28 thru May 31st at 7:30 in the Banquet Room.  (Enter through back of church and make a right).  Production dates are September 6, 7, and 8.  Rehearsals start June 10.  Need 4 females, ages 30's - 50's and 2 males, ages 30's - 50's.  The lead character of Mel needs to be a "Jack Lemmon" type of guy - neurotic, sarcastic and funny all at the same time.  For more info, call Iris at 366-6545 or via email.

Iris Singer
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