Singer, Iris (DOT) Iris.Singer at dot.ny.gov
Thu Jul 18 16:02:45 EDT 2013

Auditions are coming up the "The Sisters Rosensweig", Performed by POINT OF VIEW PLAYERS  on September 9 -6pm, September 10 - 6 pm, September 16 and 17 - 6pm at the Albany Jewish Community Center, 340 Whitehall Rd in Albany.  This is a funny, lovable comedy by Wendy Wasserman, directed by Iris Singer.  Need:  3 males, ages 30's to 50's and 1 male, ages 20's.  3 females, ages 30's to 50's and one female, ages 20's.  Production dates are 12/12, 12/14 and matinee on 12/15.  Also, looking for Sound/Lighting Tech with own equipment - (this is a paid position).  Any questions, call Iris at 366-6545 or via email.

Iris Singer
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