[Capdist-auditions] PAID POSITION" need two men with power saws to dfismantle set

Singer, Iris (DOT) Iris.Singer at dot.ny.gov
Sat Jan 11 09:05:07 EST 2014

Need two men, on  Sunday, jan 19th around 3:30 pm with power saws to dismantle frame of set.  It is put together by 2 x 4's and some cast will help too.  Needs to be thrown away at the Albany JCC dumpster.  You will also get two free tickets each, complimentary, to see show The Odd Couple-Female Version, which starts at 1pm at the Albany Jewish Community

Center,  340 Wnitehall Rd, in Albany.  Very good show!  Will pay $50 each person.  Please call Iris at 366-6545 oe VIA EMAIL.
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