[Capdist-auditions] Fwd: Glens Falls Community Theatre

mcreynolds399 at aol.com mcreynolds399 at aol.com
Sat Dec 26 17:29:00 EST 2015

-----Original Message-----
From: mcreynolds399 <mcreynolds399 at aol.com>
To: capdist-auditions-request <capdist-auditions-request at dx.ayw.org>
Sent: Tue, Dec 22, 2015 5:52 pm
Subject: Glens Falls Community Theatre

GLENS FALLS – The Glens FallsCommunity Theatre will hold a meeting to discuss its upcoming music comedy “ILove You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, January 6 at theCharles R. Wood Theater on Glen Street in Glens Falls. Auditions for themusical will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, January 7 also at the Wood Theater.Scripts will be available to signout at Crandall Library. 
Show performances are scheduled for March 4 to 6 and March11 to 13, 2016 at the Wood Theater.  Direction byRene Roberge and musical direction by John Benware.
This hilarious revue is about everything you have eversecretly thought about dating, romance, marriage, lovers, husbands, wives andin-laws, but were afraid to admit. Act I takes a joyfully satiric look at beingsingle in today’s world, and Act II turns its attention to married life.  This musical comedy review uses song stylesas varied as country-Western ditties, tangos and ballads. 
In the original production—the 2nd longest runningOff-Broadway musical—all 40 roles were played by two women and two men.However, the GFCT production will be looking to cast several actors of allages, from teens to senior citizens. Though a few of the roles are non-singing, most of the roles do requiresinging—some solos, duets, and group numbers. 
For more information, visit the Glens Falls CommunityTheatre’s website at www.gfcommunitytheatre.orgor 518.792-1740.

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