[Capdist-auditions] Fwd: Capdist-Submissions

ifpfilms at rcn.com ifpfilms at rcn.com
Tue Feb 3 10:38:14 EST 2015


Graphic Designers who know the Horror/Psychological Thriller Genre. Must be a FAN. Create the look and cover artwork for a new take on this film style. Work with a team that has been producing content for 25 years. Please send samples, website links & a note on why you are perfect for this project by March 1, 2015 to: ifpfilms@ rcn.com . (ATTENTION: Tara) 

WRITERS NEEDED: Dialogue and Action Writing Experience. Please send examples to: jilld at infocusbrands.com  by February 22,2015.  
----- Forwarded Message -----

From: capdist-auditions-request at dx.ayw.org 
To: capdist-auditions at dx.ayw.org 
Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 12:00:04 AM 
Subject: Capdist-auditions Digest, Vol 52, Issue 3 

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        capdist-auditions at dx.ayw.org 

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific 
than "Re: Contents of Capdist-auditions digest..." 

Today's Topics: 

   1. Spring Acting Classes (Fee Required) (jonsouth at juno.com) 
   2. Mac-Haydn Theatre: New York City open call        audition 
      CORRECTION (Jesse DeGroodt) 
   3. Reminder Town Players audition (Laura G) 


Message: 1 
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 08:01:14 -0500 
From: <jonsouth at juno.com> 
To: capdist-auditions at dx.ayw.org 
Subject: [Capdist-auditions] Spring Acting Classes (Fee Required) 
Message-ID: <AABLN87MRA5J725S at smtpout03.vgs.untd.com> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 

Schenectady County Continuing Adult Education 
is offering a 
Six Week Acting Workshop 
with actor/teacher Jon South 
Spring 2015 
Central Park Middle School Auditorium 
Mondays, March 2 - April 13 
7PM - 9PM 
Course Fee: $85 

For the experienced or the beginning actor, this popular class will focus 
on teaching you how to create a believable character from the inside-out, 
how to relax and concentrate in front of an audience or camera, 
successful techniques to excel at auditions, the only easy (and correct!) 
way to learn lines, and much, much more. Semester concludes with a final 
performance to which friends and family may be invited. Instructor Jon 
South is a professional actor and singer trained at the Herbert Berghof 
Studio and the New York State Theatre Institute. 

For pre-registration details call: 
or ask Jon a question at: 
jonsouth at juno.com 

And be sure to "like" 
to recieve updates and other valuable info. 

In-person registration night! 
Tuesday, February 24, 5PM-7PM 
@ Schenectady High School Main Office 



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Message: 2 
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 13:31:47 -0500 
From: Jesse DeGroodt <jdd1926 at gmail.com> 
To: Auditions <capdist-auditions at dx.ayw.org> 
Subject: [Capdist-auditions] Mac-Haydn Theatre: New York City open 
        call        audition CORRECTION 
        <CABKxqkMQJgMnd5UeH-X1FLxT41vbqbjj3ZB7J_+F=_sHmaCiFQ at mail.gmail.com> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" 

An earlier notice stated that The Mac-Haydn Theatre would conduct an open 
call audition on Wednesday, February 25. The actual date is Tuesday, 
February 24. 

We will also be holding an open call audition on Tuesday, February 24, at 
Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St., New York City. Women: 10 a.m. to 1:30 
p.m. Men: 2:30 - 6 p.m. Call backs from these will be February 25, 26, and 
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Message: 3 
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 23:13:51 -0500 
From: Laura G <devster7 at aol.com> 
To: capdist-auditions at dx.ayw.org 
Subject: [Capdist-auditions] Reminder Town Players audition 
Message-ID: <8D20D7EF33783CC-1C74-13743 at webmail-va015.sysops.aol.com> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 

Town Players of Pittsfield announces auditions for a staged reading of "Southern Exposure", by Valerie Kavanaugh,  on Sunday, February 8 and Monday, February 9 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The auditions will be held in Pittsfield at 27 Alexander Terrace. Sides from the play will be  provided for the auditions. 
 Needed for the cast are three women, one approximately 45 and two in their 60's. The play is about three friends who go out to celebrate a birthday and what a time they have. The playwright is directing the reading. 
 This staged reading will be presented on March 29 at the Whitney Center for the Arts, 42 Wendell Avenue in Pittsfield. 
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Subject: Digest Footer 

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Capdist-auditions at dx.ayw.org 


End of Capdist-auditions Digest, Vol 52, Issue 3 


Bob Manasier 
IFP Films 
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