[Capdist-auditions] Short Comedy Film Casting Lead Roles!

Cooper Wright mantictoboggan at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 20:29:52 EDT 2015

PHOENIX AND THE WILY ONE is an upcoming film that follows two oddball conspiracy theorists who stumble upon the grandest and most dangerous scheme in town. It's an action packed comedy film with surreal elements and humor.

The production team is currently looking for two males and a female (20's - 30’s) for leads, but background roles of all sorts are available so everyone is suggested to submit! Auditions will be scheduled and held in Schenectady, and we will be shooting in the Capital District this August.

To schedule an audition send a headshot, resume, and cover letter to mantictoboggan at gmail.com <mailto:mantictoboggan at gmail.com>

PHOENIX AND THE WILY ONE is a co-production of Mantic Toboggan Productions and Technomancer Pictures. Learn more at www.mantictoboggan.com <http://www.mantictoboggan.com/>
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