[Capdist-auditions] Casting - Male 45 - 60 - Saturday 6th

john@DFFWS john at digitalfilmfarmworkshops.com
Mon Aug 1 10:04:29 EDT 2016


My name is John Holser.

I’m a working film and video director, as well as an international production coach. I’m looking to fill an on-camera role for Saturday August 6th. Male 45 - 60 years old.

As a workshop actor you will be working with myself and four directors as we explore and shoot one scene from three different story approaches. This will be more about cinematic storytelling, so you will have very few lines to memorize. 

As a group we will work with you on camera blocking, continuity and conveying meaningful subtext. 

In addition to being a commercial director, I’m also a trained actor and instructor who works in the Meisner Method. I’ve taught with Lora Lee Ecobelli and worked with numerous actors including Yvonne Perry, Kevin West, David Bunce, John Romeo, Jimmy Fallon and many, many more. I’m known as an actor’s director and I bring over twenty five years of experience to the set. 

This will be a unique opportunity to see behind the scenes and to meet new directors. In exchange for your participation you will receive footage from the scene to use in your demo reel as well as personal coaching instruction from myself and a modest stipend of $100. Together we’ll work to clarify character attributes, enhance on-screen relationships and implant important subtext and backstory where needed. 

If you’d like more on-camera acting experience and an opportunity to see how I help directors and actors create more engaging scenes please send you’re info via email. 


- Photo
- Resume 
- Links to any on camera work

Thank You!

If you’d like more info about me you can check out my stuff at the links below. 

http://digitalfilmfarmworkshops.com/ <http://digitalfilmfarmworkshops.com/>

http://digitalfilmfarmworkshops.com/film-video-directing-101/ <http://digitalfilmfarmworkshops.com/film-video-directing-101/>


Directing Actors for Film Roles - Are You Under Or Over Directing? 
 https://vimeo.com/157858806 <https://vimeo.com/157858806>

John Holser’s Story
https://vimeo.com/173905818 <https://vimeo.com/173905818>
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