[Capdist-auditions] Fwd: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at YAG-still time to register! fee required

Mary D'Amico bestyagever at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 06:13:53 EST 2016

The Young Actors Guild is currently accepting registration for our SPRING
program which begins February 27th!   Students attend classes on Saturday
mornings from 9:30 - 12:30 and then rehearse for production on Saturday
afternoons.    Our Spring program will be held at our Troy space at 1915
5th Avenue and will culminate in a full scale performance of Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" for our students!  We are very excited to
begin the new year.  Come and be a part of the longest running Children's
Performing Arts Program in the Area!  Teaching good character both on and
off stage with carefully chosen AGE APPROPRIATE material for our students
that promotes a positive and healthy approach to theater!   Now in our 27th
Year!   Register today!  Go to our webpage at
youngactorsguildcapitalregion.org under registration forms!
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