[Capdist-auditions] Auditions--Teen Traveling Show

Cheryl Charbonneau ccharbo at live.com
Mon May 2 23:52:00 EDT 2016

The Schenectady Theater for Children is pleased to announce our new program, a traveling troupe of teen actors.Auditions for "Merrily the Mermaid,"STC  Studio in Via Port Rotterdam (Formerly known as Rotterdam Square Mall)Open to teens ages 13 to 18NO FEE!  No monologues required. Auditions will consist of readings from the script.CAST OF CHARACTERSMERRILY: a mermaidSTARFACE: a starfishJINGLES: a court jesterPRINCESS IRIS: a princess who uses a wheelchairCAGEY: a zookeeperFAIRY GODFATHER: an equal opportunity wish granterAuditionsTuesday, May 3rd  6-8 pmSaturday, May 7th  10 am-12 pmRehearsal Dates and Times TBDThis is a traveling show.We will be performing at various venues in and around the Capital District. Actors and Crew must be able to arrange their own transportation to rehearsals and performances. They must be available for performances on the following dates and times.(It's possible more performances could be scheduled.)Currently Scheduled PerformancesWed. July 13th--MorningSaturday, July 16th--Afternoon Tuesday, July 19th--EveningThursday, August 4th--MorningTuesday, August 9th--AfternoonQuestions? Call or email Cheryl Charbonneau, STC Teen Program Coordinatorccharbo at live.com518-355-6694

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