[Capdist-auditions] Please announce

Theresa Surgick dmomusicandarts at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 05:45:23 EST 2016

On Saturday, May 20th, we will be presenting the production of "Deliverance" - 7 Testimonies of 7 Women. It will be presented during our Christian women's conference, which takes place from May 18th-20th, 2017. The production will feature 7 monologues that deal with major issues. I already have 6 women, but need one more. 

The person who takes on this task must be able to memorize and dramatically present a 2-page monologue (maybe less - typed in 14 pitch font) that deals with the subject of suicide and her deliverance from it. You will have plenty of time for memorization, because as soon as you commit, I will email the script to you. Rehearsals will begin in March at the Star of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist church, 513 Clinton Avenue in Albany,NY.

I'd like to fill this spot ASAP. We will have a conference call with the cast on Thursday, November 17th at 6pm. Please respond to the above email or to pastortsurgick at yahoo.com.

Thanks in advance!
Pastor Theresa M. Odom-Surgick 

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