[Capdist-auditions] Auditions for Dear Santa, Love Rome- Highlight Acting Troupe

clevan at nycap.rr.com clevan at nycap.rr.com
Thu Aug 31 17:28:07 EDT 2017

Highlight Acting Troupe will hold auditions for Dear Santa, Love Rome directed and written by Nicole Osterhout, on 9/22- 7pm and 9/24- 2pm at the Center Brunswick United Methodist Church. In Rome, NY there lies a children's community theater, bustling with the sounds and excitement of Christmas. The children are preparing for the Christmas pageant, and writing letters to Santa. Join the Highlight Acting Troupe for holiday songs, and a family needing love and support from their community. All ages 5 and above are welcome to audition. Show Dates: 12/1, 12/2, 12/3.  Nicole Osterhout 518-225-9445.

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