[Capdist-auditions] VO - Female English and Spanish

Adam Clairmont adam at overit.com
Thu May 24 14:23:07 EDT 2018

Voice over needed immediately:

Age late 20's to 30's
English and Spanish speaking

Must be available to come to Albany during week of June 4th.

(4) 30 sec spots
(2) 15 sec spots
(1) 10 sec spot
(1) 3 sec spot

Budget is $800 for a full buyout

Please email to vo at overit.com MP3's only of both english and spanish
professional works. Videos or links will not be considered. Recordings made
on phones will also not be considered.

All submissions must be received by 5/29 at 9am EST

Thank you!

*Adam Clairmont*
*Studio Manager*
p: 518.465.8829 x2  m: 518.588.1755
a: 435 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208
w: overitstudios.com  e: adam at overit.com

*check out our show reel! <https://vimeo.com/185372287>*
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