[Capdist-auditions] iTheater Saratoga - Summer Youth Theater Workshop - Tuition Based Program

Annie Delano anniedelano12 at gmail.com
Sun May 27 13:30:37 EDT 2018

Hello - 

iTheater Saratoga’s Summer Youth Theater Program at the National Museum of Dance is now accepting students age 9 - 14 for their upcoming Workshop and Performance.

‘Insta-Adventure: Metropolis’ is a modern version of the classic silent-film Metropolis, with a 21st century choose your destiny twist, thanks to the Instagram app. 

There are two weeks for students to participate and students can do one or both weeks. Tuition is $100/week with scholarships available if needed. 

Week 1: June 18-22, 10:30AM - 3:30PM 
	Students will work though the story of Metropolis and help create the stage presentation

Week 2: June 25-June 28, 10:30AM - 3:30PM
	Rehearsals for performances

Final performances will take place on June 29th - July 1st. 

Anyone interested in participating or with questions can email or call  Will Severin - Willseverin at mac.com/518-587-5827

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