[Capdist-auditions] VO - No experience needed

Adam Clairmont adam at overit.com
Fri Feb 15 22:31:29 EST 2019

Needed immediately, people to record a simple script in an Albany
commercial recording studio.

For more information email VO at overit.com

*No professional qualifications are necessary. No auditions needed!*

*This is a recording of “everyday voices” NOT voice acting!*

*Compensation $60 total*

Ages 18 - 60

Male or Female

Must be available for 2 days

American English must be first language. *No foreign accents accepted, with
no exception.*

*Task*: Speaker must record 180, very short lines, five times through in
natural speaking voice.

These recordings will be split between 2 separate recording sessions. First
Session will last roughly 90 minutes to read 180 lines three times.

The second session will last roughly 60 minutes to read 180 lines two times
through. The second session will take place roughly one week after the
first session.

Example lines of the script are

“Okay Google”

“Bixby, it’s me”

“Passwords are a thing of the past”

Payment of $60 will be made in cash after the second session is complete.

For more information email VO at overit.com
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