[Capdist-auditions] Night of the Living Dead Auditions - fee required

Berenis, Leigh leigh at saratogachildrenstheatre.org
Fri Sep 4 08:19:46 EDT 2020

Night of the Living Dead

Teen Troupe Auditions (ages 12-18 for main roles, extras all ages!)


Fall out from a satellite probe shot to Venus returns to Earth carrying a
mysterious radiation that transforms the unburied dead into flesh-eating
zombies. Seven people trapped in an isolated farmhouse, held hostage by the
ravenous ghouls, begin to turn on each other as the dead encroach. A
gripping terror-filled monochromatic play that brings all the fright of the
cult classic to life. This blend of thrilling horror laced with touches of
black humor envelops the audience in the action and unfolds into a shocking
theatrical ending.


   Auditions will be held via Zoom (link to be sent after you register)

   Saturday, 9/12; 10am-11:30am (5min slot)

   Sign up for a designated audition time slot: click here

   Please arrive early to your time, (you will be held in the waiting room)
   prepared with 2 of the monologues provided - memorize to the best of your

   If a call back is needed, we will ask you to sign into Zoom for readings
   at 12:00pm on Saturday, 9/12.


   If cast - there is a $175 production fee for the Main Cast.

IN ADDITION: There will also be an ALL AGE group of Zombie extras.


   Extras scenes will be filmed at an outdoor location TBD; date & time TBD
   on a Saturday in October.

   No auditions are required to be a Zombie extra. Register to be a ZOMBIE
   EXTRA here


   Zombie Extras production fee: $50 and will include: zombie movement,
   makeup and costume class via Zoom *we will not be able to provide
   costumes due to COVID-19

      Makeup & Costume (Supplies list will be sent out): October 1st @

      Movement: October 2nd @ 5-6pm

The show will be pre-recorded and streamed. There will be no live

Streaming Date: Friday, October 30th. The streaming link will be available
to purchase!


Main Cast


Young blonde woman. Twenties.


Level headed young man. Late twenties.


Cantankerous middle-aged. Ben towers over him.


Harry’s Wife. Middle Aged.


The Coopers’ Eleven-year-old daughter.


Strong helpful young man.


Tom’s girlfriend

Supporting Cast


Barbara’s older brother. Twenties


Clean-cut, Serious.


Scientist, Confident


News Reporter.


Southern, Local Sheriff.



ZOMBIES (gender and age flexibility)

Rehearsal Schedule at 617 Maple Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY. Masks and
prescreen will be required to enter the building at each rehearsal. We will
maintain social distance where possible and will have the garage door open
in our blackbox theater throughout the entire rehearsal (please dress
appropriately with the changing fall weather). There will be a detailed
schedule per rehearsal and cleaning will be completed every hour.



   Monday 14 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Thursday 17 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Saturday 19 - 10:00 - 1:00

   Monday 21 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Thursday 24 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Saturday 26 - 10:00 - 1:00

   Monday 28 - 5:00 - 7:30



   Thursday 1 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Saturday 3 - 10:00 - 1:00

   Monday 5 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Thursday 8 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Saturday 10 - 10:00 - 1:00

   Tuesday 13 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Thursday 15 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Saturday 17 - 10:00 - 1:00*

   Monday 19 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Tuesday 20 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Thursday 22 - 5:00 - 7:30

   Saturday 24 - 10:00 - 1:00*

   Monday 26 - 5:00 - 9:00

   Tuesday 27 - 5:00 - 9:00

   Wednesday 28 - 5:00 - 9:00

   Thursday 29 - 5:00 - 9:00

   Friday 30 - 5:00 - 9:00

*Extra Day - Location/Itinerary TBA

Schedule is subject to change, you will be notified in advance.




      There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a
      dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle
      ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it
      lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This
      is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight


   Mr. Denton On Doomsday

      Al Denton: "I was good. I was real good. I was so good that once a
      day, someone would ride into town to make me prove it. And every morning,
      I'd start my drinkin' a few minutes earlier. Until one morning, the guy
      that asked me to prove it turned out to be sixteen years old. I left him
      there on his face. Right there in front of the saloon. I left him there
      bleedin' to death with my bullet in him. I guess it'll start all
over again
      now. Every fast and fancy man who owns a gun will come riding in
down that
      street. Only this time it'll be me face down, bleeding to death. I think
      I'll go in now and get a shave. I wanna look proper on the day I die."


   Walking Distance

      Martin Sloan: [to his younger self] "Martin, I only wanted to tell
      you that this is a wonderful time of life for you. Don't let any of it go
      by without enjoying it. There won't be any more merry-go-rounds, no more
      cotton candy, no more band concerts. I only wanted to tell you
that this is
      a wonderful time for you. Now. Here. That's all, Martin. That's all I
      wanted to tell you. God help me. That's all I wanted to tell you."


   Where is Everybody?

      Doctor: "You see, we can feed the stomach with concentrates. We can
      supply microfilm for reading, recreation, even movies of a sort. We can
      pump oxygen in and waste material out. But there's one thing we can't
      simulate that's a very basic need. Man's hunger for companionship. The
      barrier of loneliness, that's one thing we haven't licked yet."


   The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine

      Narrator: Picture of a woman looking at a picture. Movie great of
      another time, once-brilliant star in a firmament no longer a part of the
      sky, eclipsed by the movement of earth and time. Barbara Jean Trenton,
      whose world is a projection room, whose dreams are made out of celluloid.
      Barbara Jean Trenton, struck down by hit-and-run years and lying on the
      unhappy pavement, trying desperately to get the license number
of fleeting
      fame. To the wishes that come true, to the strange, mystic
strength of the
      human animal, who can take a wishful dream and give it a dimension of its
      own. To Barbara Jean Trenton, movie queen of another era, who has changed
      the blank tomb of an empty projection screen into a private world.


   Eye of the Beholder [2.6]

      Leader: I say to you now...I say to you now that there is no such
      thing as a permissive society, because such a society cannot exist! They
      will scream at you and rant and rave and conjure up some dead
and decadent
      picture of an ancient time when they said that all men are created equal!
      But to them equality was an equality of opportunity, an equality
of status,
      an equality of aspiration! And then, in what must surely be the
pinnacle of
      insanity, the absolute in inconsistency, they would have had us believe
      that this equality did not apply to form, to creed. They permitted a
      polyglot, accident-bred, mongrel-like mass of diversification to blanket
      the earth, to infiltrate and weaken! Well, we know now that
there must be a
      single purpose! A single norm! A single approach! A single entity of
      peoples! A single virtue! A single morality! A single frame of
reference! A
      single philosophy of government! We cannot permit... we must not
permit the
      encroaching sentimentality of a past age to weaken our resolve.
We must cut
      out all that is different like a cancerous growth! It is
essential in this
      society that we not only have a norm, but that we conform to that norm.
      Differences weaken us. Variations destroy us. An incredible
      to deviation from this norm is what has ended nations and brought them to
      their knees. Conformity we must worship and hold sacred.
Conformity is the
      key to survival.


   The Lonely [1.7]

      Narrator: Witness if you will a dungeon, made out of mountains, salt
      flats and sand that stretch to infinity. The dungeon has an inmate: James
      A. Corry. And this is his residence: a metal shack. An old
touring car that
      squats in the sun and goes nowhere - for there is nowhere to go. For the
      record let it be known that James A. Corry is a convicted criminal placed
      in solitary confinement. Confinement in this case stretches as far as the
      eye can see, because this particular dungeon is on an asteroid
nine million
      miles from the Earth. Now witness if you will a man's mind and body
      shrivelling in the sun, a man dying of loneliness.


   The Invaders [2.15]

      The Spaceman: Central Control...come in Central Control. Do you read
      me? Gresham is dead! Repeat, Gresham is dead! The ship's destroyed.
      Incredible race of giants here. Race of giants. No, Central Control. No
      counterattack. Repeat, no counterattack. Too much for us. Too powerful.
      Stay away. Gresham and I...we're finished! Finished! Stay away. Stay away…


   Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up [2.28]

      Mr Ross: Oh hardly. [A third arm comes out of his jacket and lights a
      Cigarette] Now before you faint dead away, I think I should tell you my
      name isn't really Ross and I wasn't really going to Boston. No,
I was sent
      as sort of an advance scout. You know, these cigarettes, do you
call them?
      They taste wonderful. We haven't got a thing like this on Mars. That's
      incidentally where I come from. We're beginning to colonize. My friends
      will be arriving shortly. I think they're going to like it here. It's a
      lovely area. So remote and off the beaten track. Just the
perfect place to
      set up a colony, don't you think? Now while we're waiting, how about some
      of what you call music.


      Hayley: Oh I don't mind. You see, Mr Ross, my name isn't really
      Hayley. And I do agree with you, this is an extraordinary place to
      colonize. We folks on Venus had the same idea. We got it several
years ago.
      And I think I should tell you now, your friends aren't coming.
They've been
      intercepted. Oh, a colony is coming. But it's from Venus. And if you're
      still alive, I think you'll see how we differ. [We takes off his hat,
      revealing a third eye] And I agree with you about what they call
music. Why
      don't you play some?


   Deaths-Head Revisited [3.9]

      Gunther Lutze: You are going to pronounce sentence? Is that what you
      have in mind now? You will pronounce sentence, and then you shall execute
      that sentence. Is that correct? Ha! HA! [Bursts out laughing] PIGS!
      DONE! [Laughs more, then suddenly turns to Becker] Where are
they? Where's
      the judge? Where's the jury? Where's the executioner? I'll tell you where
      they are. They're in your mind. You've hatched them out of your hatred.
      You've planned the vengeance out of the crazy quilt of your
imagination. So
      together with thin little threads of wishful thinking, why didn't I kill
      you when I had the chance?! Why didn't I-  Becker?... I did kill you. I
      killed you-


   Nothing in the Dark [3.16]

      Harold Beldon: Mother, give me your hand. You see. No shock. No
      engulfment. No tearing asunder. What you feared would come like an
      explosion is like a whisper. What you thought was the end is the


   No Time Like the Past [4.10]

      Driscoll: I will now tell you as succinctly as possible how I
      classify the times. We live in a cesspool, a septic tank; a
gigantic sewage
      complex in which runs the dregs, the filth, the misery-laden slop of the
      race of men. His hatreds, his prejudices, his passions and his violence.
      And the keeper of this sewer? Man. He is a scientifically advanced monkey
      who walks upright and with eyes wide open into an abyss of his
own making.
      His bombs, his fallout, his poisons, his radioactivity. Everything he
      designs as an art for dying is his excuse for living.


   Living Doll [5.6]

      Narrator: Of course, we all know dolls can't really talk, and they
      certainly can't commit murder. But to a child caught in the middle of
      turmoil and conflict, a doll can become many things: friend, defender,
      guardian. Especially a doll like Talky Tina who did talk and did commit
      murder, in the misty region of the Twilight Zone.

Leigh Berenis
Executive Director
Saratoga Children's Theatre, Inc.
P.O. Box 3487
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

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